Hear about the family, friends, flirting and fun that went on in the Bruce Building.
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Meet the people who worked in the Bruce Building throughout the years as they tell of their daily working lives.
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Rag Week was once an event that brought community and university together.
Is this still the case? Find out about past pranks Newcastle students
got up to in the name of charity.
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How much has student social life changed over 50 years? Listen to memories
of the Students’ Union and those infamous student parties. Hear
from both local residents and students on the changing social scene.
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University campuses are often hotbeds of political activism and social
awareness. Does this hold true at Newcastle University? Listen to past
and present students talk about their political experiences.
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For their help and contributions to the 'Pranks, Pints and Protests' series we would like to thank: James Adamson,
Evelyn Allison, Tony Allison, Andrew Brittlebank, James Johnston, Benjamin
Kenyon, John Lloyd, Geoffrey Marsh, Pamela Ranson, Melanie Reid, Geraldine
Straker, Iain Wheeldon.
For their help and contributions to the 'Brewing up memories' series we would like to thank: Eunice Kirtley, Ian Clarke, Kenneth Willey, Andrew Newman, Paul Watson, Daisy Fairfax, Maurice Turnbull, Erica Souter, Peter Humble.